Lake Carmel Arts Center
640 Route 52
Kent Lakes, NY 10512

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Office hours:
3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Mon., Wed. & Fri.; other times by appointment.

845 228-AOTL (2685)

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Mt. Nimham Hike

Saturday, June 13, 2015 10:00 am to 3:00 pm


Using a variety of marked and unmarked trails, the leader will assemble a figure-8 hike of about 6 miles that includes the summit and climbable fire tower on Mt. Nimham (views to the Catskills and Manhattan) along with other highlights (brooks, caves, abandoned homesteads and mines) of this multiple-use forest that is the center of Central Kent. 

Children are welcome and encouraged, if they can keep up. Appropriate footwear, a trail lunch and adequate water is necessary. 

Hike Leader: James Shearwood, in partnership with naturalist Beth Herr, the Kent Conservation Advisory Committee and the Mohican Chapter of ADK.
Register in advance at or (845) 228-2685. Participation is limited to what the woods can respectfully handle.
Meeting Place: Mt. Nimham Field Headquarters Parking Lot on Gypsy Trail Road, 2 miles north from Route 301, on the right after passing the 4-H and County Parks. 

Rain Date: Sunday, June 14, which will be announced on the website by 9 am, Saturday, if necessary.

Mt. Nimham Hike in the News

Link to Kent Advisory Committee's hiking information.

About the Event

FAQ: WILL I BE ABLE TO DO THIS HIKE? If you are reasonably fit with no underlying health problems but have not been hiking for a while, you will probably sleep very well after the hike.

FAQ: BUT WHAT IF IT RAINS SUDDENLY WHILE ON THE HIKE? A large trash bag makes a good emergency poncho, if you cut holes for your arms and head the night before.

FAQ: WHAT WILL I SEE FROM THE TOWER CABIN? In addition to views, the restoration work done on the tower cabin by Bill Volckmann, Dave Tompkins and Amanda Lynne’s students in the Go Green Club of the George Fischer Middle School.